This Language Rematerialised

25 Sept – 20 Oct

Palimpsest Projects

Featuring Tony Bowen, Steve Dutton, Gina DeCagna, Khushboo, M Lissoni, Stevie Ronnie, Oriane Stender and Christie Swallow. 

Curated by Gina DeCagna

Private View: Thursday 26 September, 6–8 pm. RSVP to gallery.

Teatime Curator’s Talks: Thurs 10 and 17 Oct 3.30-4.40pm. Just drop in.

Artist’s Talk with Oriane Stender: Sat 12 Oct at 2pm. Just drop in.

Maps as Palimpsest: Discussion and reading: Sun 13 Oct 2-4pm. Just drop in.

World-building from Tactile Language: A Walk and Collaborative Workshop: Sat 19 Oct. 2-4pm. Please book HERE

For more details and to sign up for events, read more:

Contact [email protected] to arrange a visit by appointment

How does the material status of our lived experiences affect how we move through the world, transgress certain boundaries, or stitch together ‘sense’ from pieces that otherwise could remain fractured? 

This Language Rematerialised brings together an eclectic group of artists, each responding to a call out by Gina DeCagna for different articulations of ‘palimpsest’ in our society.

palimpsest (n):
i) a parchment that has been rewritten over and partially erased,
ii) something that has changed over time and shows evidence of that change

The selected artists are bold, thoughtful and playful in their approach, using ‘found’ texts, objects, fabrics, maps and more. The resulting exhibition features a variety of rewritten stories through visual, verbal or tactile language that is distinctive to each artist’s navigation of the world and their negotiation with society.

One of the best-known mentions of the concept of ‘palimpsest’ was by George Orwell in his iconic book 1984 while describing how history gets transcribed by the powerful.

By featuring 4 artists who are in early or emerging stages of developing their professional practices [Khushboo, Christie Swallow, M Lissoni and Gina DeCagna] in dialogue with 4 others who have been further along in their careers [Tony Bowen, Steve Dutton, Stevie Ronnie and Oriane Stender], this show initiates a generational and geographical exchange of lived experiences and approaches to making new stories from the old. A central aim is to indicate how contemporary art can be a form of expression for both holding onto and rejecting – remediating and restoring – in society, as part of a lifelong process of evolving one’s sense of self and identity.

Palimpsest Projects CIC

A new not-for-profit curatorial platform dedicated to rewriting human stories. Through contemporary art exhibitions, literature and cultural events, Palimpsest intends to connect people across geographies, ideas and lived experiences.
At the start of 2024, the platform put out its first open call for expressions of interest, and through 2025, will continue to develop and launch a festival of programming centred around ‘rewriting stories’, with ambitions to curate and expand globally in scope.

Discover more at

Read about upcoming shows at One Paved Court HERE.