Stitched – Cut – Painted

A group show by  Annamarie Dzendrowskyj, Buffy Kimm, and Rachel Pearcey

5 – 15 September 2018

Curated by Hanna Ten Doornkaat , White Noise Projects Curator

Artist’s and Curator’s talk: Saturday 15 September at 2 – 3 pm

The emphasis of the show will be on haptic and embodied forms of engagement in the works of the three artists. The exhibition will present works that offer each artists’ unique interpretation and process in their works.

The works will be a reaction to the physical surroundings in general but also consider visual and tactile experiences. The show will consider the dichotomies of flatness and depth, intimacy and depth and how they might begin to slide into one another within the architecture and the space around them.